Hosting a website for your organisation or business can be an easy thing to do but hosting it successfully so that your website rankings improve can be a tricky thing to master. SEO Strategies can help in that respect and enable your organisation or business to hold the top spot in Website rankings in 2024. 

Up ahead we will discuss 10 Proven SEO Strategies that can skyrocket your website rankings in 2024.


  1. Find the Right Keywords: This is very important for effective SEO optimization. Research what people search for. You can use lots of different tools to do so or simply search the internet. Doing so will populate keywords in the search feed. Ideally, you should look for 10 keywords before moving to the next strategy.

  2. Google the Keyword: The next step involves Googling the keywords searched and analysing the first page. Do this to see who is already populating the first page and note down further relevant keywords that they use in the headlines. 

  3. Competitor Research: The next part is analysing your competitors. This part is called competitor research and it enables you to see what others are doing on their websites. Analyse and read every part relevant to your own website. For example, if you are doing blog title research then go to the competitors blog page to see what they are writing about. 

  4. Improve or Improvise: Now it doesn’t matter how different looking you make your website. In the end you and your competitors are bound to have similar content as both are working in the same industry. Thus, to set yourself apart you can either improve the content with better aesthetics, language, etc., or improvise the content by phrasing it differently to grab attention. 

  5. Include Hooks: Hooks are words that people look for when searching the internet. A simple example is tempered glass for phones. People generally look for “Gorilla” glass, which makes it a Hook word. Identifying such Hook words will boost your website rankings.

  6. On-page SEO Optimization: It's all about internal linking, using short keywords for URLs and Semantic SEO. Basically, link your more popular pages to less popular ones in the website, use short URLs that people can remember and use words that are related to the main keyword. 

  7. Understand Search Intent: Search Intent is what people search for in a search engine. It could be that a certain type of query is popular. Rephrasing your content to include the popular words will improve the Search Intent for your website.

  8. Presentation: Writing the right words is important to create content that attracts and wrapping that content using visual aids like charts, graphs, pictures and screenshots can make all the difference.

  9. Link Building: Go over the internet and see where your content can add value. Once you identify such places, reach out to people with the websites and share them with the link to your content. 

  10. Regular Updates: It goes without saying that keeping your content up-to-date will help a lot in keeping your website at the front. Be on the lookout for developments and update the content regularly to keep it relevant. 

That concludes our basics of SEO Strategies in 2024. Get in touch with bonwic technologies to get more help with SEO optimization.