In today’s technology driven world, everyone is aware of the dangers that air pollution poses to our health. The sale of air purifiers, EVs, eco-friendly, sustainable products and masks have gone up in recent times as a result of severe air pollution. Marketing too has gone digital which is in line with going eco-friendly but is your digital marketing strategy sustainable and eco-friendly together? 

Digital Marketing too causes pollution

Cutting down on paper usage by going online with receipts, pamphlets, brochures and ads for your company can seem like the right thing to do. On the surface level, it is the right thing to do but if you take a moment and look under the hood, you will find that air pollution is merrily getting displaced. 

Digital Marketing too can cause a significant amount of air pollution as to host all the online content generated by it, a lot of data or internet is needed. For that servers need to be powered and to do that energy in the form of electricity is needed. This ultimately means more burning of fossil fuels like coal as thermal power plants are still the number one source of all our electricity needs. Every one of these things eventually means more air pollution. To gain a perspective on the matter an estimated 1300-billion-kilowatt hours of energy is used every year just to run the internet. 

Does that then mean marketing of products needs to be stopped altogether? Well, no, as that is neither economically nor practically feasible for the world. The answer lies in reducing the use of internet’s servers with Sustainable Digital Marketing.

Sustainable Digital Marketing

This marketing approach is all about doing more with less i.e., focusing on how to reduce the number of online contents generated. Some steps to do the same are: -

  • Generating only that content that is needed the most at a particular time during the year,
  • Cleaning up of old content on social media platforms by deleting them,
  • Identifying the exact demographic to target so as to launch the content in minimum social spaces needed,
  • Researching social media platforms to access the most eco-friendly one,
  • Recognising the actual need of multiple social media platform profiles and see if any can be deleted,
  • Being on the lookout for new eco-friendly social media platforms and switching to them in time,
  • Adapting quality over quantity approach in digital marketing strategies,
  • Ensuring SEO optimisation of content so that people spend less time searching over the internet,
  • Closely monitoring online traffic of your content to only produce content that sells, thus reducing your carbon footprint,
  • Including the message “Do not respond to this email” or “Do not say thank you” in email correspondence with customers.

These small steps may not look like significant steps towards sustainability but sustainability is not something that can be achieved in a day. With small steps like these, we can surely start heading towards the goal of a sustainable World. 

Bonwic Technologies can help you start your journey towards sustainability with its sustainable digital marketing services. Join us today!